Gifting vs. Online Stores: Key Differences

Gifting Portal Overview

Our IEX gifting portal allows you to send gifts directly, whether that’s to employees, clients or prospects. Send single products or let recipients choose from multiple options.

The primary difference between the IEX Gifting Portal and a store is that the pathway is limited. It’s the easiest solution if you’re thinking: “I want to give this thing to a specific person without needing them do anything else.”

There is no check out process, and the person only gets what you’re offering them, which is why it works so well for gifting. This approach also works perfectly if you are trying to send products from one place to another without any hassle.

Purple and blue birthday gift on a clean, minimal background.

Online Stores Overview

Online stores operate like any traditional e-commerce experience. A user can navigate between different products, build a cart and checkout/pay for those items when they are ready. There is not a set pathway and the user can navigate freely on their own.

This is best used when you want to have a public facing store or allow employees to purchase products as desired throughout the year.

Can I use both the IEX Portal and an IEX Store?

Yes! Many people use both our IEX portal and our IEX stores in parallel.

Can I have only a store?

IEX stores are an add-on component that require an IEX Platform plan.